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Fitness Evals.

Please wear Class C uniform and athletic shoes for the Fitness Evaluation.

What does a fitness evaluation include?

Certainly your voluntary participation in all components of the fitness evaluation is encouraged.  But you may opt out of any portion of the evaluation at your discretion.

Pre Evaluation Procedure

A pre-evaluation procedure shall be conducted for all personnel prior to conducting Fitness assessments:

Obtain a resting heart rate and blood pressure.  If resting heart rate is equal to or greater than 110 beats per minute and/or resting blood pressure is ≤ 89/59 or ≥ 160/100 mm Hg, we will instruct the participant to rest for ten minutes and re-evaluate.  If the heart rate and/or blood pressure remain at these levels, the fitness evaluation will be canceled and the participant will be referred to their Primary Care Physician.

Height, weight, and age will also be required to calculate aerobic capacity, as well as Body Mass Index.

We encourage all members to check their pulse and Blood pressure prior to these fitness evaluations.  If your readings are at, near, or above these numbers, please consult with your personal physician to learn how you can bring your blood pressure under control before attempting to perform a fitness evaluation.  Wellness starts today.


The assessment will be conducted in this order:

Body Composition – Various skin fold thicknesses and/or body girths will be measured using calipers (involves a slight pinching of the skin).  Waist Measurement.  Body Mass Index will be calculated.

Aerobic Capacity – You will perform a sub maximal treadmill test to assess your VO2 sub maximal level.  Your heart rate is monitored continuously throughout the evaluation with your target heart range being 85% of your maximum predicted heart rate.

Muscular Strength – Grip strength will be evaluated with a grip strength dynamometer; the individual will squeeze the instrument three times in each hand, alternating right and left hand to allow for recovery.  The best of the three attempts for each hand will be recorded Muscular Endurance – To assess muscular endurance, you will perform pushups at a rate of 40 per minute as set to a metronome for two minutes.  The administrator shall stop the evaluation when the individual reaches 80 push-ups, performs three consecutive incorrect push-ups, or does not maintain continuous motion with the metronome cadence.  To assess muscular endurance, you will perform a static plank (elbows and toes face down) position for up to four minutes.  The administrator shall stop the evaluation when the individual breaks form three times or the maximum time of four minutes is reached.

Flexibility – Flexibility will be assessed using a new adjustable sit-and-reach board.  This new flexibility test allows for each individual’s specific arm and leg length.  You will sit on the ground in front of the board and place your legs straight out in front of you with your knees locked.  Slowly bending forward at the hips, you will reach your fingertips down the measuring board.  The best two out of three attempts will help determine your overall flexibility.

Who will be conducting the evaluation?

You will be taken through these events by a Peer Fitness Trainer.  All results are for your information only, and to determine your baseline level of fitness so that you may measure progress from year to year.  All data collected by the evaluator shall be maintained in a secure location and adhere to strict levels of confidentiality.  This evaluation will in no way be used by the Denver Fire Department for punitive or disciplinary reasons.  The fitness evaluation is intended to be an added benefit that the Denver Fire Department is willing to provide to help you reach your goal of personal wellness.

The Peer Fitness Trainer Certification Program was developed by the IAFF and IAFC in collaboration with the American Council on Exercise to assist in the success in the Wellness Fitness Initiative, the CPAT, and in order to improve our firefighters’ effectiveness and performance to better serve the community.  The Denver Fire Department now has 10 Peer Fitness Trainers that have been certified by the American Council on Exercise and have demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to design and implement fitness programs, improve the wellness and fitness of their departments, and assist in the physical training of recruits.  Of course, all PFTs operate under strict HIPAA guidelines where confidentiality is paramount.  Peer fitness trainers are available to all members for any of your health and wellness needs.