Aug. 2-10 is a busy week for community events. Denver Days, August 2-10, is “a citywide effort to help neighbors get to know each other and get involved with their communities by throwing block parties, organizing service projects and hosting neighborhood activities.” Mayor Hancock created Denver Days in 2013. The annual National Night Out falls during Denver Days on Aug. 5.
As a reminder for apparatus visits assigned by Operations: If your company has a conflict, such as a previously scheduled inspection, please call Operations at 720.913.3438.
We finished beta testing an online community request form, Using this form helps the Department collect data to:
- Spread rig appearances and station tours among different companies to balance the workload
- Provide more detailed info about events/audiences to companies before the events
- Avoid scheduling conflicts with trainings, etc.
- Support funding and grant opportunities
- Tell the story of all the fire education companies do every week. (Why is this important? See our ratings in the 2013 National Citizen Survey/page 6 and 2012 National Citizen Survey/page 22).
Our next anticipated busy season for community events will be October 5-11 for Fire Prevention Week.
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