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Modified Duty

Assignment to a Modified Duty position is a benefit to members and a right of
management. Modified Duty is a short-term alternative employment opportunity
available to members injured in the line of duty.
A member’s restrictions will determine the reporting date for a Modified Duty
When members report to HRB for Modified Duty, they must have a return to work
pass from the Center for Occupational Safety and Health.
Members unable to fulfill the requirement of their assigned position due to a NLOD
injury or other condition shall provide their physician with a copy of their job
description to assist the care provider in providing appropriate work restrictions to the
Department. The member must schedule a meeting with the Division Chief of
Administration/HRB and/or designee to discuss available options. At the time of the
meeting, the member must provide all restrictions.
Members may use sick leave, vacation leave, trades, or donated sick leave and/or any
combination to cover time off. If the member is unable to report for work after three
days, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) must be requested.
In the event of a long-term NLOD injury or illness, members may submit a written
request for a “restricted assignment” to the Chief of the Department or a designee.
Approval must be obtained from the Chief of the Department.
Members must abide by all restrictions placed on their duties by physicians at the
Center for Occupational Safety at Denver Health or Concentra. HRB shall be
provided with all detailed work restrictions. The “Return to Work” pass will be dated
and stamped to verify receipt.

Members that are seen at the Emergency Room must still report to either COSH or Concentra as soon as they are able after they are released from the Hospital. For example, if a member goes to the Emergency Room on Saturday for a LOD injury and they are released back to full duty by the Hospital and return to that shift they must still go to COSH or Concentra. If the Ouchline was not called first due to the nature of the emergency, then as soon as possible it should be called and the patient will be given the choice of either Concentra or COSH to be seen  as soon as possible. Once the patient is seen by the Medical Provider they will bring their paperwork to Admin and receive their modified duty assignment or if there are no restriction receive a full duty release. Finally, members will need to confirm that their Supervisor has completed a Supervisor Report within 72 hours of the injury and sent a copy to Risk Management and Admin.


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