DEN - DIA (Division 6)
Division 6 – Airport
Was appointed Division Chief of Airport (DEN) on October 25, 2020
Operations for ARFF,SRT, & Structural Fuel Inspections
DEN Training
FAA 139 Regulations
The Denver Fire Department Airport Division is responsible for providing emergency services and associated administrative functions for the Denver International Airport (DEN) and its immediate area. By 2020, the Division will have an authorized strength of 126 uniformed personnel to protect what is the 5th busiest airport in the United States and the 20th busiest in the world. With a landmass of 53 square miles, over 565,00 flight operations each year, more than 64.5 million visitors annually, and over 35,000 employees, DEN is often referred to as being a city in and of itself by the people who work there.
The DFD Division Chief works as a liaison between DEN Airport Operations and the Department of Safety. There are 3 Assistant Chiefs (“Red Chiefs”) that handle the day to day emergency operations and associated administrative responsibilities along with 34 company officers, engineers, and firefighters/technicians on duty every day; staffing four structural firefighting companies, seven ARFF (Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting) vehicles, and a “dangerous goods” response unit.
There are 69 firefighters in the Airport Division trained to the Hazardous Materials Technicians level. They act as a strike team to provide early intervention and to supplement the hazardous materials team from DFD Operations. Because of the obligation to the airport and its operations, DEN companies are not utilized in response to other city incidents.

DEN – DIA Chief –
Alex Paez