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Fire Recruit Information Form


FIRE Recruit Information Sheet

    Best time to call:

    1. Confidentiality is imperative between you the recruit / probationary, and your mentor.
    Barring any safety issue to recruit/probationary/mentor/other crew members – will you be able to maintain confidentiality?

    I have read and signed the Confidentiality Agreement. Initial_____

    2. I have read the Mentor Program Guidelines. Initial_____

    3. I understand that the DFD probationary period, all JPR's, any requirements provided by the Training Division, and final Probationary Exam and MY responsibility to successfully complete probation. Initial_____

    Your mentor will NOT be held responsible for you not meeting your required responsibilities.

    4. If at any time you are unsatisfied with your assigned mentor, it is YOUR responsibility to contact the Mentor Program Coordinators and request appropriate consultation to resolve any issues or reassignment. Initial_____

    5. Please list specific skills you foresee yourself needing assistance with:

    6. Please select ALL that apply: (used only to try to best pair Mentors w/ Mentee)

    Are you a Cadet?

    Do you have family on DFD?

    Did you have a Lateral Transfer?

    Do you have Military Experience?

    Did you move from out of state for employment with DFD?

    Did you work for another Fire Dept. before hired with DFD?

    Do you have kids?"

    What is your Marital Status?

    Do you agree to all terms?